Delhi Waste Worries and Solutions

THE CURRENT SCENARIO Source : The Hindustan Times The current situation of waste disposal and treatment in the capital narrates a story of utter mismanagement and unsustainability. As of now, to ensure proper management and disposal, the civic bodies have hired concessionaires who collect waste from door to door and segregate the waste at the site. the recyclable garbage goes to recycling sites and the rest is dumped in one of the four existing landfills. A fleet of 409 trucks are engaged in the process. However, at the ground level this system is in a state of complete chaos. The RWAs have often complained that the waste collection on a daily basis is non existent and door to door collection is just a mere illusion forcing people to dump waste in nooks and empty plots of land creating miniature landfills. Out of all the waste generated in the capital, about 50% is fit for composting, and 30% is recyclable which leaves 20% of the waste to be dumped in the landfills....