HINDsight : "Human Induced Natural Disasters"
If we try to figure out the mindset of the human race, for most part of our existence on the planet we have persistently striven for economic, scientific and technological development. Blinded by the extensive strife to ascend the pinnacle of success, we have dismissed the obstructive effects of our activities which have rather left an unerasable mark on the face of the earth. Through our constant efforts to scale the heights of economic and technological advancements and increasing inclination towards a more capitalistic mindset, we have changed the environment surrounding us in many ways. Changes which might even backfire on the human race in form of "unnatural" disasters or rather "Human Induced Natural Disasters". We often blame humans for climate change, but our actions have also had a huge impact on the changing geography and topography. As per a report published by Al Jazeera on Man-made disasters, between 2004 and 2010, small landslides (not caused by ...