Forming SES DTU

Back to college after a long summer break, this time entering the university gates as a second year student instead of a freshman, the campus was brimming with activities for the freshmen and all the student societies were open for recruitments, trying to attract new members. Closely analysing all the societies, I noticed that there was none that focussed primarily on environmental protection and conservation and being an ardent advocate for environmental safety, I decided to form one. Enthusiastic about this new idea, I called up my friend Vasudev to discuss about forming a society and as we started building upon our idea, we realised that we had negligible knowledge about the process of forming a college society. Sometimes I feel that ideas that pop up out of nowhere suddenly have a much better success rate than pre planned and highly discussed ones. So, this random intuition of forming a college organisation for spreading environmental awareness became my own enterprise. Th...