Interning at Chintan and E-Waste solutions
Researching about E-Waste, my seniors at Chintan sent me a documentary about the improper disposal of E-Waste and the far reaching implications it had on us. The documentary was called "E-Waste, Citizens at Risk" and watching it, brought about in me a heartfelt urge to take a stand on this issue. An emotion curled up inside my conscience, making me realise that how we humans, unknowingly through our actions and developments are punishing our own selves. Motivated by the urge to cure the E-Waste problem, I spent a few days trying to absorb all the information about E-Waste, its improper disposal and how harmful it is for us.

Electronic Waste or E-Waste is a term for electronic products that have become unwanted , non-working or obsolete, and have essentially reached the end of their useful life. As the advancements in technology are so rapid, a large number of devices are becoming obsolete everyday, increasing the pressure of toxicity on nature. E-Waste include everything ranging from old mobile phones, desktops, CDs, hard drives, DVD players, VCRs, etc.

An astounding fact is that though E-Waste comprises only 2-5% of the total waste, it makes up about 70% of the total toxic waste. In E-Waste recycling sites in China, 81% of the children have higher than normal Blood Lead Levels, signalling towards brain damage, behavioural disorders, anaemia and other neurological disorders. The current scenario of E-Waste disposal in India narrates a story of utter mess and mismanagement. Most of the E-Waste in India is recycled by the informal sector through unscientific methods. A large chunk of the E-Waste ends up being burnt and treated using improper procedures leading to accumulation of toxins in the air, water and soil. Wires and cables are burnt to extract copper while the PVC in the insulation on burning produces HCl gas which is extremely harmful, putting the lives of the citizens living in or around these recycling sites in danger.
Moved by the immense stress we are unknowingly putting on the planet, a sense of motivation drove me to take a stand against the improper E-Waste disposal in our country and sensitize people towards it. With the assistance of Chintan, I started an E-Waste collection drive in my locality wherein we spread awareness amongst the citizens about the threats of E-Waste and collect waste from their homes and offices for their proper disposal and recycling. Working at Chintan gave me the encouragement and inspiration to contribute towards the conservation of nature. At the same time, I also got to soak in knowledge about work ethics and other environmental concerns from my seniors and colleagues. Carrying out a constructive social campaign has created a very positive state of mind for me and has acted as a source of motivation to work more towards environmental issues.
Moved by the immense stress we are unknowingly putting on the planet, a sense of motivation drove me to take a stand against the improper E-Waste disposal in our country and sensitize people towards it. With the assistance of Chintan, I started an E-Waste collection drive in my locality wherein we spread awareness amongst the citizens about the threats of E-Waste and collect waste from their homes and offices for their proper disposal and recycling. Working at Chintan gave me the encouragement and inspiration to contribute towards the conservation of nature. At the same time, I also got to soak in knowledge about work ethics and other environmental concerns from my seniors and colleagues. Carrying out a constructive social campaign has created a very positive state of mind for me and has acted as a source of motivation to work more towards environmental issues.
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